Big Boat Series Info


* For the New England Bassin Kayak Series (NEBKS) or the 15ft/Kayak Team Series please visit those tabs for more info and rules.

Welcome to the New England Bassin competitive regional bass fishing organization. In just two steps, you will be a member and on your way to fishing one of the largest team/individual fishing series in your state and one of the top New England amateur fishing tournament series in the region. Please start by printing out the forms below under “membership” and then mail it in.

Come make some new life long friends, learn some new baits and techniques, and more importantly, make some memories, have fun, win some money, relax, and just FISH!

* You must become a member of our NE Bassin fishing organization in order to fish any one NE Bassin event. Your team/partner needs to be declared before the start of your team’s first event for that given division. Teams and anglers are encouraged to fish different trails and divisions of NE Bassin with or without the same partner and or with no partner at all. Fishing multiple NE Bassin divisions will give any angler and team the opportunity to gain total points for the regional, a better chance to earn a discounted or free regional for one of the teams your on and possible awards for the divisions your fishing.

Based upon each state’s launch rules referring to the amount of boats each event can have at a given body of water/event, I encourage your team to get your signed forms and tournament fees in ASAP. NE Bassin events are all on a first come first serve basis and need to be paid in full 5 days before each tournament. All anglers/teams will have to pay for 3 events upfront with no refunds before the first event you plan to fish. We will have a packed field this up coming year and I will feel bad if I have to turn someone away from an event because the form and fees weren’t mailed in on time or was mailed in on time but that event was booked solid. So if your serious and want to claim the NE Bassin title for the year, then I would advise your team to get all fees and forms in sooner than later.

“2025 Season” 

There will be around 90% payouts between cash, giveaways and incentives at each New England Bassin Event for the overall year.

There will be a total of 88% payout for the entire season between event payouts, FREE regional births, hardware per division and extra roll over money being added and put into the regional payouts. Each event will have 75% cash payout plus any extra giveaways from either NEBASSIN, the director or sponsors. The only way to bump these percentages up to the 85%-90% mark would be to raise the prices per entry which we didn’t want to do after caring for and talking to many of our members throughout the region.

Cash Payouts: 1st place 40%-70% • 2nd place 25%-30% • 3rd place being paid out from 11 boats on 15%-20% • 4th place being paid from 17 boats on 10%-15% & 5th paid out from 25 boats on with 5%-10%. These percentages may be slightly off when fishing in a particular state due to permit fees.

Benefit/Crossing Over: Any team/individual is more than welcome to cross over and fish from state to state or from big boat event to a Kayak event. We actually encourage all members to do so. The membership is set up and designed for you to maximize your time on the water, so why not do so. Nothing better than fishing verse different competitors as well as new water. To do so, we suggest contacting the director for that division out of courtesy and to make sure there is an open spot for that event.

Fishing NE Bassin: You are allowed to mix and match events from either division, just be aware that points received in multiple divisions will only help with total points to qualify for that years Regional event. Doing this without fishing all the events in a given division will not allow you enough points to win that division or qualify you to receive the division incentives. (See FREE Regional/Season Awards below)

Membership Cost: $70 per adult per year. $35 per youth per year. (Youth must be 16 or younger before the first NE Bassin event for that year)

(This fee goes towards insurance for the year as NE Bassin if a fully insured organization and the remaining goes towards operation costs, print media, off season shows, marketing, promoting, divisions scales, tents and banners, website fees, and the LLC cost)

All NE Bassin fishing events are opens to all boat makes, models and motor sizes for the big boat series. Anglers fishing the Elite Series of B.A.S.S or the FLW Tour Events as a boater, during the 2024 or 2025 seasons are not eligible to participate in any NE Bassin Events. The Tournament director and other tournament officials are permitted to fish all NE BASSIN events that they direct.

Refusal of Membership/Entry: We reserve the right to refuse membership or entry into any of NE Bassin Tournament. All Rules and regulations of NE Bassin Tournaments are subject to review by NE Bassin Officials.

FORMS: PRINT & SIGN BOTH Big boat Series FORMS on the FORMS” tab.

info-512Entry Fee: $90 dollar entry fee per boat/tourney with a $10 optional split lunker. ALL Teams must pay for 3 events with no refund upfront or a team will not be able to fish any NE Bassin event.

Live-well Inspection: Boat must have a working live- well, either built into the boat or portable. Live-wells must have some type of pump or circulator to keep fish alive. The director or his staff will check all live-wells on land before the start of any NE Bassin event.

NO Drop: The No drop rule applies to any and all NE Bassin divisions for end of year standings, points and awards. A team/individual that doesn’t fish the entire division will have no chance to finish or place in the top 1-5 teams for any plaques or a possible FREE entry fee into the regional event for that season.

Fish Limit: This is a five (5) fish limit per team/angler per tournament. Anyone bringing in more than five (5) fish will have their sack culled to the five (5) fish limit starting with the big fish first. Teams may carry more than five (5) fish but all culling must be done on the water — not on the bank or on the trailer. (State rules) (12 inch bass or larger)

Short Fish Penalties: Only Largemouth, Smallmouth and Spotted Bass may be brought to weigh-in. All fish brought to weigh-in must be at least 12″ long. Short fish will be culled from your sack and your largest fish will be culled from the remaining fish. You will be able to ask for “one” courtesy check at the weigh-in without any penalty.­­­

Dead fish Penalty: For each dead fish a 1/2 pound penalty will be deducted from your total weight. The director can only recognize a dead fish. A dead fish will not be weighed-in as big fish. Fish that appears altered or mangled shall be the tournament director’s decision to weigh or not to weigh the fish.

Scoring: Tournaments, 100 point scoring system. Sample Scoring 1st place team-100 points, 2nd place team 99 points, 3rd place team 98 and so on. All other teams that didn’t weigh in any fish will receive 5 points under last place for participating in the event. Example: 10 boats, last place boat should receive 91 points, the boat(s) that caught no fish will receive 86. The team that has the highest final total points in a circuit/division from that given division will determine the NE Bassin Champion(s). No Drops are given. 380 points are required to qualify for the NE Bassin 2-Day regional event. A team paying for an event that doesn’t fish will receive 10 pts less then the last place team for that event.

Last Event Double Points: The last event in each division will be worth double the points. This will allow the point standings to be even more competitive where teams who may think they are out of it, will have an open door to come back. This just means that there will be 2 pts between each place rather than 1 point. (Example: 1st place-100 pts, 2nd place 98 pts, 3rd 96 pts etc.)

Pay for Points: A team needing points to qualify for the 2-day event after fishing at least 3 events is allowed to do so. Paying for any NE Bassin event and not being able to fish it will get you 10 points under the last place teams points.

No fish points: A team that fishes an event and weighs in no fish will receive 5 points under the last place possible finisher for that event. For example, if there was 25 boats fishing an event, last place finisher would get 76 points, the boat that didn’t weigh in any fish would get 71 points.

Good Standing: A single team/individual must fish or pay for a minimum of any 4 NE Bassin events to be in good standing in the organization per year. If a team/individual doesn’t fish or pay for 4 tournaments for that year, the team/individual will not be in good standing with NE Bassin and will not be able to fish the following year or possibly be banned forever based upon the director for that state and regional director’s decision. A team/angler must pay for 3 events upfront with no refund or they will not be able to fish their first event.

Registration: During registration time, one member of each team is required to be present at the Pre-Tournament Meetings. Failure to appear at the Pre-Tournament Meeting will result in a disqualification not unless the director was contacted before hand and made arrangements that were fair to go over rules and check live wells once you arrived at that body of water.

Check-IN: Check-in will be done by 1 flight. There will be a deduction of 1 lb. per minute of your total weight for every minute late to Check-in. Teams more than 10 minutes late to Check-in will not be permitted to weigh-in that day’s catch. The number paddle you were given at the start of the event must be turned in prior to a team/angler weighing in their fish. No paddle, no weigh in and no more events until the paddle is replaced. If you lose your paddle, a team/angler will have to pay $50 to replace the paddle as a penalty or else no fish will be weighed in and will receive a 0 for the day with no points given.

Take Off: All NE Bassin events will start between 6:00 am and 8:00 am and will go for 8 hours depending on the division (Eastern Time). Boat take off numbers will be picked the morning of the event. All boats need to be in the water 30 minutes before the start of any event. Kayaks and small boats should be at least ready on land near the water. There will also be a meeting on/near the water 10-15 minutes for before the event to go over new items, events, rules, sponsors and such.

Weather Delays and Cancelation: In the event of extreme weather conditions such as Tornados, Tornado Warnings or Lightning, the tournament director along with the officials will monitor the path of the storms and their length, until it has been cleared by these three entities this tournament will be put on hold until warnings expire or the storms have passed, then and only then will we proceed with this tournament. In the event that the storms or warnings have not passed or expired prior to 9am the director and staff will make the decision to cancel that day of fishing. Should the tournament be delayed due to weather and we decide to launch, the check in times will stand as posted, unless the director seems otherwise by 100% the rest.

Life Preserver: During any NE Bassin event, contestants not wearing their life jackets zipped and secured when the combustion engine is running and in gear will have that day’s weight disqualified from the tournament. Life Jackets can be removed once a team had checked in to the “check in” boat.

Off-Limits: Other off-limits areas will be announced at the pre- tournament meeting. Teams/anglers may not fish closer than 50 yards to another competitor who is fishing unless given permission. If permission is given to one, then all may fish same water. Having a non-contestant sit on a hole for you shall be cause for disqualification. Any team fishing in the off-limits areas will have that day’s weight disqualified from the tournament.

Weigh-in: Participants may only bring their team’s fish to the weigh-in station. Any team’s bag brought up without a team member present with that bag will not be weighed in. (director need to be notified with good reasoning to make the judgment call)

Weigh-in Bags: Participants may only bring fish to the weigh-in station in a weigh-in bag with water in it. If you don’t have a weigh in bag, one will be provided to you and then return it.

Ties: Ties for big bass will split big bass pot for both the largemouth and the smallmouth pots. Ties for placing in the tournament will be broken by big bass. If still tied, both teams/anglers will receive the same points.

No Live Bait: Only artificial lures can be used in any NE Bassin event. The use of pork rind is permitted.

No Trolling: Trolling with the use of a combustible engine as a method of fishing is prohibited.

Substitutes: Although Substitutes are not permitted with any NE Bassin event; we understand things come up. If your declared partner cannot fish any regular season tournament, you are allowed up to two times to find a sub per division. A sub can be a friend or family member and they will have to pay for a full membership into NE Bassin . If you cannot find a sub, you can fish alone without a penalty. Substitutes are not permitted at any NE Bassin Regional Championship events. If a yearlong partner matter/issue comes up, the NE Bassin board/director and regional director will have a meeting to discuss any matter. Partners for a given division need to be declared before the 2nd event of that division in order to fish any Regional Championship

Boat and Motor: NO Jet Boats are allowed in any NEBASSIN event. All Boats must have required Coast Guard Safety Equipment and must have a motor within the rating limits.

Pre-Fishing: All NE BASSIN events will not be closed to pre-fishing. All waters that will be fished will be closed to pre-fishing from 4pm the night before the start date/time.

Sportsmanship: All contestants are required to follow high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy and conservation. Drunkenness/drugs shall be cause for immediate disqualification. No alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs shall be allowed in the boats during the tournament hours extending through the close of the weigh-in. Be kind and considerate to all other NE Bassin members on and off of the water.

Leaving Your Boat: Competitors shall remain with their partners in the boat at all times during the tournament. Except in the event of sickness or brief excursions for “nature calling”, a severe storm or other such hazards. If for any reason a team decides to leave the tournament waters early, competitors must contact the Director, prior to leaving the tournament. If you have boat trouble, one member must remain with the disabled boat. The other team member may board another competitor’s boat with that days catch and bring fish to the weigh-in. Please contact the Director prior to doing so.

Cheating: Anyone caught cheating in any NE Bassin event will be immediately banned from fishing any NE Bassin event in the future. We reserve the right to have a random truth verification test performed at any time. You may not use a cell phone to gain an advantage over the rest of the competitors. Only one rod should be in use at a given time by any one angler.

Protest: All protest must be submitted in writing to the director before the close of weigh-in. Verbal protest will not be accepted. The director and the board will meet to discuss any protest and have a final decision made within 24 hours with the board of directors (5).

Insurance: All members will carry $100,000 / $300,000 liability insurance on any boat they might use during any NE Bassin big boat tournament. Failure to do so or reporting false information will result in disqualification. * Participants must have the company name and either policy number or the name of the agent binding the coverage on the membership form. * All members with boats must give a copy of these forms to the director for that event.

State Rules: All state rules and regulations must be followed. Teams/anglers breaking a State Rule or Regulation will have that day’s weight disqualified with no refund.

Season Awards:  The top 1-3 overall anglers/teams for any NE Bassin division for that season will receive plaques as well as Big Fish Plaques for a given angler/team. Any division that averages over 12 boats will get 1st, 2nd and 3rd place plaques. Any division that averages less than 12 boats will get 1st and 2nd place plaques. Winners will be declared based upon the total points for that given division. If there is a total point tie, the winner will be declared by the largest total weight for that division, if there is still a tie it will then go to that team that caught the biggest fish from that angler or team for that division.

FREE Regional:  The top possible 1-3 teams overall for a given division for the season will get a FREE entry into that season’s 2-day regional event to fish for over $7,500 dollars. (Based upon all divisions & the regional being filled.) The amount of free entries is based upon the total amount of entries for that division for the season. (Ex. 45 entries = 1 FREE regional birth, 90 entries = 2 FREE regional births. 135 entries = 3 FREE regional births.

“Regional” You will need to qualify in 2024 for the 2025 regional event. All teams/anglers will need to be members in “good standing” for that current year in order to participate in that years regional. The regional info is under the regionals tab.

Points to qualify for the event:  380 pts (Minimum 4 events) (This may change mid season to a percentage of boats that qualify per division if we have to much interest as we have a boat max for this event)

Entry Fee: $170 dollar entry fee per boat with a $10 optional split lunker per day (each team is allowed to weigh in 1 smallmouth and 1 largemouth) ($20 dollars will cover your 2-day launch fee of $10 each)

Regional Awards: The top 3 teams overall for the 2-day event will receive plaques. The team that catches the biggest fish of the 2 day will receive Big Fish Plaques.

Regional Extra:  Top teams from each division may have the possibility and opportunity to compete for extra money during the 2-day event as a bonus. (depending on funds)

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