
New England Bassin is a regional bass individual/team tournament series that is sweeping the Northeast. NE Bassin is a competitive, enjoyable and affordable individual/team series with yearlong incentives and over 90% payouts between cash and prizes. Due to the massive interest 9 short years ago and teams demanding more in 2014, NE Bassin was created and is now in full stride coming into the 2025 season as we finished our 2024 season strong with over 150 events, 15 divisions and over 200 members throughout the region.  With great teams, great people and options, comes great events. If you need a release from fishing against the same competition as well as the politics associated with a club every year, or if you are just looking to get on the water with a partner and make some memories while also competing for prize money or just looking for something new, come join the cheapest, fastest growing, most incentive individual/team tournament trail in New England. You will have fast professional weigh-ins, to get you in and out and on your way, friendly smack talking among teams, and good payouts. With a slick modern logo design, you’ll be looking good fishing even when the fish aren’t biting. Come join the best-looking individual/team tournament trail that prides itself on being different and REAL in New England. We are now accepting membership applications for the 2025 season.

To guarantee your membership as well as your spot in the events you chose to fish, I advise completing and sending in the membership form under the “Forms” tab sooner than later.

People have asked and challenged us over the last few years, how is NE Bassin, ” The Future Of Bass Fishing”? Its pretty simple, were an organization based around the angler, for the angler. We have multiple events, in multiple states and a regional for you to fish, we run NE Bassin outings throughout the year on and off the water for team & organization camaraderie. We paid out over $35,000 in 2022, we have apparel that isn’t only state of the art, but that our members take pride in wearing not because they have to, but because they want to. We have lasting relationships and sponsorships across the country, regionally and locally that we take pride in marketing and promoting their brands and products. The NE Bassin organization prides itself on being REAL, being HONEST, being UPFRONT, being CARING, being FAIR, being FRIENDLY & being COMPASSIONATE to all of our members and the sport itself. We do what we want in the best interest for the organization, we make changes, we set the bar, and we do things different. Lastly, were not run or operated on people from a national board but by each other. We are the new leader in bass fishing, which makes us ” The Future Of bass Fishing”.

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